Medicaid Planning

As an elder law attorney, it may be surprising to clients that many of our referrals come from estate planning attorneys since most have limited knowledge regarding public benefits. Many are shocked that there are over 40 Medicaid programs (each with their own rules) in...

The Texas Senate has passed a bill (which has been sent to the Texas House) to facilitate the design and development of a Medicaid block grant waiver so that there would be a continuation of joint funding by the federal and state governments while allowing...

There are numerous ways real estate can be transferred to avoid probate, but which way is best will depend on the circumstances. The most common choices are either a deed of gift, transfer on death deed or a Ladybird deed (which is an enhanced life...

In recent years, numerous crowdfunding platform websites (such as GoFundMe, Indiego and Crowdrise) have grown rapidly raising millions of dollars (generally online) for various causes and individuals. Although the intent is often to help those with disabilities, it can actually be detrimental if the account...

At the present time, the federal government matches (in some states up to 70%) state funds budgeted for Medicaid. This is an incentive for states to allot more of their budget on Medicaid and be inefficient in their spending. Medicaid spending has soared to the...

A House of Representatives bill entitled as the “Close Annuity Loopholes in Medicaid Act” has been proposed earlier this month to reduce the benefits of an asset preservation strategy for a commonly used benefit of the “well” spouse in Medicaid planning when the ill spouse...

Usually the biggest asset that most Americans have is either a home or their retirement accounts or both. Americans are living longer than ever before, but most have inadequate long-term care insurance coverage. Most mistakenly think that Medicare will take care of them if they...

At our December estate planning workshop, there were several questions about the use of enhanced life estate (“Ladybird”) deeds to protect a Medicaid recipient’s homestead from the state’s Medicaid Estate Recovery Program (“MERP”). After the death of the Medicaid recipient under present laws in Texas,...

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