wills Tag

Estate Planning Decision Tree Chart for Will vs. Revocable Living Trust – 20 Issues One of the most common dilemmas in estate planning is whether it is better to have a Will or a Revocable Living Trust (RLT). There are numerous types of trusts, but this...

It is very common for a minor to be named as a beneficiary of a will or trust. However, since a minor is presumed to lack capacity under law until reaching the age of majority, different planning options should be considered. Even when a child...

“Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it” was stated in the book “Anne of Green Gables”. There can even be laughter at death as some of the following will provisions illustrate. There are also weird bequests some of which are...

What happens if you pass and if you named your spouse as the beneficiary of your Will, trust, life insurance policy, IRA or bank account and you never change the beneficiary after divorce? It depends on the state in which you live. In Texas (and...

Although there are dozens of new laws in Texas, the following (in no particular order) are just some that affect estate planning, probate, guardianship and the elderly. Homesteads Held in Revocable Trusts Need Specific Language to Have Homestead Property Tax Exemption and Homestead Exemption for Creditor...

It is no secret that people are moving to Texas for numerous reasons ranging from less taxes and affordable housing to Texas being more business friendly. As a result, estate planning documents prepared in other states should be reviewed when moving to Texas – even...

The process for court approval (probate) of an original will is generally not difficult in Texas presuming the will was properly drafted and that there was no contest to its validity. However, if the original of the signed will cannot be located, it is more problematic...

Perhaps the most important will to be written is neither a last will and testament (which determines who is to receive your assets, when it is received and how it is received) nor a living will (an end-of-life directive describing whether you are to be...

Most people think of a will when it comes to estate planning, but there are many other documents to consider in basic estate planning depending on your individual situation. This list of documents (exclusive of a will) includes, but is not limited to, the following: Financial...

Although most realize you should know what you are doing for it to be valid under law, many are unaware that capacity needed for making a gift, signing a contract and signing a will are different. The mental capacity needed for signing a valid will...

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