Estate Planning

One of the most common misconceptions is that a Power of Attorney will be recognized by all financial institutions and title companies. Due to concerns about abusive actions of agents and potential liability, financial institutions and title companies often do not recognize financial Powers of...

Although it is unlikely that the proposed estate tax change of either presidential candidate will be enacted as is, there is a stark contrast which should be considered for those interested in estate planning. If Clinton’s estate tax proposals were to become effective, there would be...

It is not unusual for estate planning attorneys to insert a “no-contest” provision in a will, thus discouraging a beneficiary from contesting by risking loss of inheritance. Normally such provisions are enforceable. However, a Texas appellate court recently ruled that when a beneficiary simply sues...

On June 1, 2003, the Texas Legislature passed a law requiring seizure of property in the estates of some Medicaid recipients after they die to repay the Medicaid programs for the assistance provided. The final rules published by the Texas Health & Human Services Commission...

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