Transfer of Death

Revocable living trusts are useful in estate planning for many different reasons (avoidance of probate, privacy, quick transition of an on-going business, etc.) but there are only limited situations when they are helpful in planning for long-term care Medicaid which helps pay for nursing home...

Whenever you borrow from a bank or other lender to purchase residential real estate or borrow against the equity, it is typical that there is a “due-on-sale” clause in your deed of trust or mortgage. This gives the lender the ability to require full payment...

Who says you can’t save more than the “maximum”? This case illustrates how you can protect more assets than the “maximum” pursuant to long-term care Medicaid rules. FACTS:        Wife, 70, has dementia and needs long-term care. She has no long-term care insurance. She receives Social Security of...

There are certain requirements for a last will and testament to be valid in Texas including: (1) being of sound mind; (2) being the age of majority (or married or a member of the armed forces of the U.S.); (3) not being unduly influenced; (4)...

Cryptocurrency (digital currency such as Bitcoin) is on the rise in the U.S. which causes a need for additional planning not previously contemplated by estate planners. Records are kept by blockchain (not by the government) and purchased on exchanges such as Coinbase. Owners can access their...

Revocable Living Trusts (RLTs) are commonly used for a variety of reasons ranging from avoiding probate to avoiding guardianship by retitling assets into the name of the trust if you should become disabled. However, not all assets can or should be transferred or even mentioned...

The government encourages saving for medical expenses by allowing before-tax contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA) which can grow without taxation on the condition the funds are used for qualified medical expenses (ranging from acupuncture to vaccines and from hearing aids to dental work...

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