Nursing Home

Many elder law attorneys have pondered whether to use the traditional enhanced life estate deed (also known as a Ladybird Deed) or the new statutory Transfer on Death Deed since both work to avoid estate recovery – the right of the government to make a...

On January 8, 2016, the “Veterans Care Financial Protection Act of 2016” was introduced allegedly to protect individuals who are eligible for increased pension under laws administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on the basis of need of regular aid and attendance from “dishonest,...

At the present time, most nursing homes require residents or their “responsible party” to sign a nursing home admission agreement which binds the resident to arbitration instead of giving them the right to sue the facility if the facility is either negligent or is in...

The House of Representatives has a proposed bill (HR 1771) that would change long established rules for the use of single premium immediate annuities in planning for the protection of a well-spouse (commonly referred to as the “community spouse”) if his or her spouse needs...

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