
If a Texas resident dies (the “decedent”) without a Will (“intestate”) and the estate assets are less than $75,000 (excluding exempt property such as a homestead if it retains its homestead status when there is a surviving spouse and minor children of the decedent in...

When it comes to estate planning, most immediately think about planning for their death first. However, approximately 30% of Americans will become disabled or incompetent at some time during their lifetime. A Will only becomes effective at your death – not if you are disabled....

An elderly client, whose husband lives in a skilled nursing home due to his lack of mental capacity, retains us to apply for long-term Medicaid for her husband so that the government will help pay for his cost of care. However, to be eligible for...

The following case is an example of how an entire estate was preserved for the benefit of an ill spouse and then for the children after her passing. The planning was done years ago, but the total savings were realized as of the date of...

Financial powers of attorney are commonly used to give authority to a trusted individual (the “Agent”) to handle assets of the one who signed (the “Principal”) the power of attorney. The power of attorney is an important estate planning document especially if the Principal should...

You would think simply naming a beneficiary of your IRA is the only thing you need to do but is that the only thing that the owner of the IRA should consider or think about? Here are several planning considerations so that your beneficiaries can benefit...

An ancestor of client received a Spanish land grant for what is presently client’s homestead with the acreage surrounding it. The property has been passed from generation to generation for almost 200 years (well before Texas became a state). One of client’s ancestors was even...

It is common for parents with simple wills or trusts to have their children inherit and have outright ownership of parents’ assets after the parents’ death.   However the following seven (7) reasons are advantages for the child to inherit by trust (not including, the power often...

Married couple has no estate planning documents (no Will, no power of attorney, etc.) and the husband has lost mental capacity (you cannot sign a Will, power of attorney, etc. if you lack sufficient mental capacity). Husband is institutionalized and it is anticipated that he...

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