
If you have an illness that is likely to limit your life due to the illness being serious and chronic (such as heart failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, cancer, dementia and Parkinson’s Disease), would you like to improve your quality of life by having: (1)...

The process for court approval (probate) of an original will is generally not difficult in Texas presuming the will was properly drafted and that there was no contest to its validity. However, if the original of the signed will cannot be located, it is more problematic...

Who says you can’t save more than the “maximum”? This case illustrates how you can protect more assets than the “maximum” pursuant to long-term care Medicaid rules. FACTS:        Wife, 70, has dementia and needs long-term care. She has no long-term care insurance. She receives Social Security of...

The recent Netflix series “Tiger King” focused on the feud between an Oklahoma private zookeeper (of big cats such as tigers and lions) known as “Joe Exotic” (herein “Exotic”) who also called himself the “Tiger King” and big cat animal rights preservationist, Carol Baskin (“Baskin”)....

The House of Representatives, with bipartisan support, passed two bills on October 28 that are important to those impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. The Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA) increases the availability and quality of care by creating hospice workforce and palliative...

The Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee has proposed a $350 million increase, raising the total to $2.8 billion annually if passed into law, for research funding on Alzheimer’s and dementia for year 2020. The Senate Subcommittee saw the progress in dementia research being made by researchers...

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