Assisted Living

On June 3, 2014, The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey has enjoined the state from counting any Veterans Administration (VA) improved pension income in determining Medicaid eligibility of an applicant for Medicaid. In this case, the Medicaid applicant was about to...

Although most first think only of “means-tested” (assets and income) eligibility for various Medicaid programs, one of the other requirements is a “medical necessity”.  The standard for nursing home Medicaid, Community Based Alternative (a Medicaid program which provides personal care services at home and in...

Veterans who served during wartime (not dishonorably discharged), or the surviving spouse of the wartime veteran, will be getting a slight increase (considered a pension) to be used for care at home, assisted living facilities or in a nursing home from the Department of Veterans...

Proposed legislation (the Veterans Pension Protection Act) has been revised to penalize military veterans (or their surviving spouse) if they should dispose of their resources (that could have been used for their maintenance) within three (3) years of applying for VA pension benefits (benefits most...

Governor Perry has just signed a law (to be effective as of September 1, 2013) that allows Medicaid applicants to sell their life insurance policies to life settlement companies and not jeopardize Medicaid benefits provided certain conditions are met. Medicaid is a jointly run state and...

Two weeks ago the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a hearing on Senate Bill 748 which (like its predecessor - Senate Bill 3270) attacks planning for Veterans Aid & Attendance benefits (which are benefits often received by veterans who served during wartime or...

Often disability occurs suddenly at a time when people have limited cash resources to pay for care costs. So, even if the person might be eligible for public benefits, it often takes many months or longer for eligibility to be granted. Caregivers often do not...

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