Probate Administration

Many have the misconception that only the wealthy need or can use trusts for estate planning. In this case, an elderly couple has two children – one of the children has a drug problem and the other is a spendthrift and has creditor issues. The...

A California court has ruled that Elizabeth Hurley’s son, Damian, remain a beneficiary of the trust of his grandfather, Dr. Peter Bing, notwithstanding Dr. Bing’s attempt to change the terms of the trust that he established. Another grandchild, Kira Kerkorian, also benefits from this ruling.  Dr....

Parents own homestead as their major asset. Their health is beginning to decline, and neither of them have long-term care insurance or enough income or assets to pay for long-term care. As a result, if either of them needs long-term care, Medicaid is likely to...

The Will of a quadriplegic man (the “Testator”), who was unable to speak and who communicated with his attorney through a blinking system, was recently upheld by a Fort Worth appellate court. The attorney asked “yes” or “no” questions to the Testator who responded by blinking....

The federal law called the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act gives some people with disabilities or their families to establish a tax-free savings account that will not count as a resource for Medicaid eligibility (which is “means-tested”). For an adult disabled person who...

Do you bank online? Do you have a Facebook, Twitter or Linked In account? Do you have an app such as Shutterfly? What about Bitcoins? These are all examples of digital assets (see our article about estate planning issues concerning digital assets by clicking here). As a...

Dad, a nursing home resident in a facility that accepts Medicaid, owns highly appreciated out of state real estate that has been in the family for decades and approximately $100,000 of cash. The goals are to protect the real estate, have governmental assistance in paying...

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