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Revocable living trusts are useful in estate planning for many different reasons (avoidance of probate, privacy, quick transition of an on-going business, etc.) but there are only limited situations when they are helpful in planning for long-term care Medicaid which helps pay for nursing home...

Who says you can’t save more than the “maximum”? This case illustrates how you can protect more assets than the “maximum” pursuant to long-term care Medicaid rules. FACTS:        Wife, 70, has dementia and needs long-term care. She has no long-term care insurance. She receives Social Security of...

There are a variety of public benefits programs ranging from taking care of drug costs to long-term care costs to assistance for food and shelter. Although some public benefits programs such as Social Security Disability and Medicare are not “means-tested”, eligibility for most public benefits...

Revocable Living Trusts (RLTs) are commonly used for a variety of reasons ranging from avoiding probate to avoiding guardianship by retitling assets into the name of the trust if you should become disabled. However, not all assets can or should be transferred or even mentioned...

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has announced in December its 2022 rate increases for certain non-service-connected disability wartime military veterans, not dishonorably discharged or their surviving spouse to help pay for care costs ranging from being housebound to long-term care costs. However, since these...

Most Americans do not have adequate long-term care insurance for care at home or in a nursing home. Furthermore, most Americans would like to stay at home as long as possible before nursing home care is required. If one has inadequate income or resources or...

As of January 1, 2022, the homestead equity limit for a Medicaid applicant who is not married and who either applies for the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program will increase to $636,000 (presently $603,000). Thus, if the home equity (the...

Applicants for long-term care and Star+ Medicaid must be below an income cap as one of the requirements for eligibility, the solution for this is the creation of a Qualified Income Trust (QIT) formerly known as a Miller Trust. The government recently announced the gross...

Although many are familiar with existing IRS rules which permit a donor to give away $15,000 per year, per person (donee) without reporting the gift to the IRS (if you give more than $15,000 per year, then there is a duty of the donor to...

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