Nursing Home

Veterans who served during wartime (not dishonorably discharged), or the surviving spouse of the wartime veteran, will be getting a slight increase (considered a pension) to be used for care at home, assisted living facilities or in a nursing home from the Department of Veterans...

2014 Protected Resource Amount Increase - Government Helps Pay Nursing Home Cost Although not officially released, projections for the 2014 Protected Resource Amount (“PRA”) dollar figures can now be estimated in light of the consumer price index update recently made.  These figures are used to determine how much...

As of June 1, 2013, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (THHSC) announced a new policy to assess a transfer penalty (assuming the transfer is within the five year “look-back” period) if a Medicaid applicant’s money is used to purchase a vehicle and the...

Proposed legislation (the Veterans Pension Protection Act) has been revised to penalize military veterans (or their surviving spouse) if they should dispose of their resources (that could have been used for their maintenance) within three (3) years of applying for VA pension benefits (benefits most...

Although Texas does not recognize same-sex marriages, here are a few estate planning considerations for same-sex married couples (couples who were legally married in another state) who live in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act: Federal employees...

Governor Perry has just signed a law (to be effective as of September 1, 2013) that allows Medicaid applicants to sell their life insurance policies to life settlement companies and not jeopardize Medicaid benefits provided certain conditions are met. Medicaid is a jointly run state and...

In an apparent attempt to promote saving for higher education, a new rule (Section358.356) has been published in the Texas Administrative Code which now excludes tuition savings programs (such as a prepaid tuition program or higher education savings plan or a qualified tuition program that...

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