Home Equity

Although there are numerous ways to protect your home from the claim of the state Medicaid agency (Health and Human Services Commission) if you receive Medicaid assistance (most typically for care at home or in a nursing home or other facility that accepts Medicaid, drug...

  Mom dies at age 99 with three (3) surviving children.  Mom has $50,000 in a bank account, $20,000 of debt and a home (which has homestead exemption) worth $150,000 that has no lien against it.  One daughter, age 70, is unmarried (hereinafter referred to as...

As most know, President Trump signed the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (or Reconciliation Act or 2017 Tax Act) on December 22, 2017.  Most of the provisions regarding tax reform for individuals are effective for only for years 2018 to 2025 (so that it could...

Now that the new law (the Tax and Jobs Act) has been passed resulting in less tax revenue for the federal government, it is anticipated that there will be changes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid so that expenses will be cut.  As mentioned in...

The 2018 Protected Resource Amount (“PRA”) dollar figures were recently released which are used to determine how much can be protected when one spouse is in a nursing home and applies for Medicaid (which may pay all or a part of long-term care costs) and...

Under the long-term care Medicaid Rules (which helps pay for long-term care costs), there is normally a five year “look back” period whereby the state can penalize an applicant from Medicaid eligibility if there is an uncompensated transfer within five years from when one applies...

Although most Texas homes are a non-countable resource (if equity is under $603,000 as of January 1, 2021 if you are single, unlimited if you are married for Medicaid applicants) for long-term care Medicaid eligibility purposes, the state usually has a right to make a claim against the Medicaid recipient’s estate after...

Usually the biggest asset that most Americans have is either a home or their retirement accounts or both. Americans are living longer than ever before, but most have inadequate long-term care insurance coverage. Most mistakenly think that Medicare will take care of them if they...

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