Financial Powers of Attorney

If you have an illness that is likely to limit your life due to the illness being serious and chronic (such as heart failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, cancer, dementia and Parkinson’s Disease), would you like to improve your quality of life by having: (1)...

Most people think of a will when it comes to estate planning, but there are many other documents to consider in basic estate planning depending on your individual situation. This list of documents (exclusive of a will) includes, but is not limited to, the following: Financial...

There is much debate among Texas attorneys as to whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust in estate planning. The simple answer is that it depends on the facts, your goals, the type of assets, cost...

What could go wrong when using a general durable power of attorney for an agent to sign a deed (in this case, a Ladybird deed) on behalf of the principal (the one who signed the power of attorney)? Are there additional powers that should be...

There are certain requirements for a last will and testament to be valid in Texas including: (1) being of sound mind; (2) being the age of majority (or married or a member of the armed forces of the U.S.); (3) not being unduly influenced; (4)...

There is much debate among Texas attorneys as to whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust to transfer assets at death under the terms and conditions you desire. The simple answer is that it depends on...

Financial powers of attorney may be the most (if not one of the most) important documents that almost everyone should have as illustrated by the following sad (but true) story: Husband dies (with a Will) and leaves everything (although the estate is not large) to wife....

SON OF AUSTIN POWERS CO-STAR SHAGGED BY COURTA California Appellate Court has reversed the Los Angeles Superior Court decision over the meaning of the term “grandchild” costing Damian Hurley, son of famed British actress Elizabeth Hurley and Steve Bing (although born out of wedlock), the sum of approximately $250 Million. The...

A Pennsylvania appeals court has recently upheld a lower court ruling giving the agent the authority to act under a boilerplate power of attorney form even though the terms of the document were not followed. However, the cheap form and the failure of the agent...

A durable financial power of attorney (“POA”) is generally an essential part of any estate plan. In fact, it may be the most important document since it is often the most powerful as it often gives the agent the authority to deal with all of...

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