Estate Planning

The Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2015 Revenue Proposals have been published, and there are numerous suggested proposals which increase taxes in connection with estate planning. Although the Senate passed proposals this past week retaining certain tax incentives for businesses and individuals, the revenue proposals included...

Although Texas does not recognize same-sex marriages, here are a few estate planning considerations for same-sex married couples (couples who were legally married in another state) who live in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act: Federal employees...

Under current law, military veterans who invest in a survivor benefit plan must leave their benefits (an annuity) directly to their beneficiary – even if the beneficiary is disabled. Veterans are not permitted to roll their survivor benefits into a special needs trust (a trust...

Governor Perry has just signed a law (to be effective as of September 1, 2013) that allows Medicaid applicants to sell their life insurance policies to life settlement companies and not jeopardize Medicaid benefits provided certain conditions are met. Medicaid is a jointly run state and...

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