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The Veteran’s Administration has proposed new rules for eligibility for VA pensions and the Aid and Attendance benefit which are often used by wartime Veterans or their surviving spouses to help pay for the cost of care such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes....

As a result of the Congressional passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2015 on December 12, 2014, disabled children of military families have been given the right to have their parents’ survivor benefits to go into a special needs trust. Until this...

Veterans who served during wartime (not dishonorably discharged), or the surviving spouse of the wartime veteran, will be getting a slight increase (considered a pension) to be used for care at home, assisted living facilities or in a nursing home from the Department of Veterans...

On December 16, 2014, Congress passed the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) which allows adults and children with disabilities whose disability occurred before age 26 to shelter up to the annual gift tax exclusion amount (presently $14,000) per year into an account which...

Although nothing of particular significance is expected during the present Congressional lame-duck session other than passing a short-term bill to fund the government, there are two bills that elder law attorneys are hoping for passage to help the needs of their clients. One bill that possibly...

The Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2015 Revenue Proposals have been published, and there are numerous suggested proposals which increase taxes in connection with estate planning. Although the Senate passed proposals this past week retaining certain tax incentives for businesses and individuals, the revenue proposals included...

The Social Security Administration (SSA) has issued new policy interpretations in 2014 that affect Special Needs Trusts (trusts created for a disabled person in which the assets held in the trusts are not counted as a resource which would have otherwise resulted in the loss...