Transfer of Death

A Pennsylvania appeals court has recently upheld a lower court ruling giving the agent the authority to act under a boilerplate power of attorney form even though the terms of the document were not followed. However, the cheap form and the failure of the agent...

Usually the most valuable non-countable resource for a long-term care Medicaid recipient (whereby the government helps pay for care costs at a long-term care facility plus medications if the applicant/recipient has less than $2,000 of countable resources) is the homestead. Although there is no equity...

On Saturday, February 27, 2021, I was a guest on financial advisor Rick Foster’s radio show on 660 AM and he asked the question, “When should an IRA go into a trust?” As a result of this often-asked question, I decided to expand upon this...

Harry and Meghan’s recent explosive interview by Oprah Winfrey has sent shockwaves to the Royal family. Will this result in a different estate plan for Queen Elizabeth? Although Prince Charles and Prince William were probably already likely to receive a king-sized portion of Her Majesty’s...

When someone fails to plan for his or her estate, it means that person is letting the state determine how and to whom assets should pass upon death of that individual. It may or may not be distributed the way the deceased wanted and the...

There are 109 Medicaid programs (at last count) in Texas – each with their own rules. This article concerns the errors or misconceptions common in one of those programs - long-term care Medicaid (where the government helps pay for care in a nursing home). Seven...

In a battle of the two most common probate avoidance deeds, it is often (but now always) better in Texas to use a Ladybird Deed (which is an enhanced life estate deed) than a Transfer on Death Deed.  In both types of deeds, the owner...

As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc with many experiencing the loss of a loved one, unemployment or reduced income and higher levels of debt, many are now asking which of their debts will continue after death and which will be forgiven and the resulting...

As of January 1, 2021, the equity limit for a homestead applicant (who is single) for either the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program has increased to $603,000. Thus, if the home equity (the difference between the appraised value and any...

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