
Ladybird Deeds are often used to protect a homestead from a Medicaid estate recovery claim as it avoids probate and are supposed to permit the grantor (the one who signs the deed) to reserve for the grantor’s life, the full possession, benefit and use of...

As of January 1, 2020, the equity limit for a homestead applicant (who is single) for either the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program has increased to $595,000. Thus, if the home equity (the difference between the appraised value and any...

This story is an illustration of some of the many thoughts that should be considered even if one has a small estate. In this case, the client’s major asset is her home that was deeded to her by her six siblings as it was their...

Client had created a revocable living trust several years ago prepared by another attorney. The most common reasons for such a trust is to avoid probate (the laws that govern the probate process which is the process to determine if the Will is valid and...

The law evolves as technology does, therefore planning must change as well. Most Americans now have “digital assets” – but probably don’t know what this type of asset is. A digital asset is an electronic record in which an individual has a right or interest....

Although there are numerous ways to protect your home from the claim of the state Medicaid agency (Health and Human Services Commission) if you receive Medicaid assistance (most typically for care at home or in a nursing home or other facility that accepts Medicaid, drug...

  Mom dies at age 99 with three (3) surviving children.  Mom has $50,000 in a bank account, $20,000 of debt and a home (which has homestead exemption) worth $150,000 that has no lien against it.  One daughter, age 70, is unmarried (hereinafter referred to as...

As a result of the passage of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017, there has been an increase in the standard deduction which should result in less taxpayers itemizing their tax deductions. Most retired Americans have paid off their home mortgages and...

As most know, President Trump signed the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (or Reconciliation Act or 2017 Tax Act) on December 22, 2017.  Most of the provisions regarding tax reform for individuals are effective for only for years 2018 to 2025 (so that it could...

Although details of President Trump based on prior statements tax proposals have not yet been released and this is mere speculation, here are a few of the anticipated tax reform proposals: For individuals: Double the standard deduction; Eliminate itemization deductions (other than contributions to retirement savings,...

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