Michael Cohen Dallas Elder Lawyer

It was recently announced that a simple blood test could be effective in diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease (even if the person seemed normal) 20 years before memory and thinking problems are to be expected in people with a genetic mutation that causes Alzheimer’s. Although the blood test...

Ladybird Deeds and Transfer on Death Deeds are used to avoid probate (which is the legal process whereby the court determines if a will is valid and assets are distributed according to the will).  These types of deeds are particularly useful to avoid Medicaid Estate Recovery.  If...

After a 14-year battle over James Brown’s estimated $100 million estate, it appears “good” will finally prevail over the greed of Brown’s 4th “wife”.  The Supreme Court of South Carolina has recently ruled that Tommie Ray Hynie’s marriage in 2001 to the “Godfather of Soul” was invalid...

As a result of a rush to stimulate the economy early in the pandemic, the IRS apparently failed to follow its own procedures (established after recovery from the recession in 2008) and sent 1.1 million stimulus checks totaling $1.4 billion to those who are deceased.  Now...

Coronavirus concerns have resulted in an unprecedented demand for Will planning in America. Even younger Americans are realizing that they are not invincible. Most Americans fail to have even a simple Will leaving the risk of their assets being distributed in accordance with the laws...

Although we are all affected by the pandemic, the following are just some of the key provisions that impact seniors: Rebates. All U.S. residents with adjusted gross annual income of up to $75,000 ($150,000 if married) who are not a dependent and have a work eligible...

The Estate of legendary musician, formerly known as Prince, has (for at least the second time) requested the Trump campaign to stop playing Prince’s most famous song, “Purple Rain,” or any of his songs at Trump’s campaign events. The Estate owns all copyrights to the...

Gloria Vanderbilt’s Will provided that her son, CNN news reporter Anderson Cooper (“Anderson Cooper 360”), will receive the residue of her estate other than her Manhattan co-op and contents therein which were bequested to another son, Charles Stokowski. Since Wills and inventory are a matter...

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