Elder Justice

You have probably heard stories when someone who is very old marries their caretaker or someone significantly younger (do you remember Anna Nicole Smith?) – especially when the older “spouse” has significant assets. However, you probably are not aware that Texas law permits a marriage...

As a result of the recent November election passage of Propositions 7 and 8 as amendments to the Texas Constitution, the surviving spouse of (1) a disabled individual (who received a homestead property tax exemption) if the surviving spouse is at least 55 years of...

A common question by someone who has been appointed as an executor of a Will after the Will has been probated (the process where it is determined the decedent’s Will is valid) is “What can I charge for acting as Executor?” After all, it often...

After a 14-year battle over James Brown’s estimated $100 million estate, it appears “good” will finally prevail over the greed of Brown’s 4th “wife”.  The Supreme Court of South Carolina has recently ruled that Tommie Ray Hynie’s marriage in 2001 to the “Godfather of Soul” was invalid...

Under our criminal justice system, guilt must be determined “beyond a reasonable doubt” as there is a presumption of innocence. However, if a senior makes a gift within five (5) years and applies for long-term care Medicaid, there is a presumption of guilt since Medicaid...

An Illinois court has ruled that a caregiver, who was charged with felony criminal neglect of an elderly person, felony aggravated domestic battery and felony assault with battery of a senior, was entitled to pursue a claim to be paid (even without a contract) for...

Financial powers of attorney are commonly used to give authority to a trusted individual (the “Agent”) to handle assets of the one who signed (the “Principal”) the power of attorney. The power of attorney is an important estate planning document especially if the Principal should...

As we live longer, there is a greater likelihood of disability and the need for long-term care. However, most Americans have inadequate resources for such care and also lack long-term care insurance or similar insurance products. As a result, some elderly and disabled seek public...

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