Transfer of Death

The recent Netflix series “Tiger King” focused on the feud between an Oklahoma private zookeeper (of big cats such as tigers and lions) known as “Joe Exotic” (herein “Exotic”) who also called himself the “Tiger King” and big cat animal rights preservationist, Carol Baskin (“Baskin”)....

Coronavirus concerns have resulted in an unprecedented demand for Will planning in America. Even younger Americans are realizing that they are not invincible. Most Americans fail to have even a simple Will leaving the risk of their assets being distributed in accordance with the laws...

A married couple owns a homestead located out-of-state held in a trust. They move to Texas to be closer to their children since the wife needs long-term care. They have no long-term care insurance, and their liquid assets and income are insufficient to pay for...

Public benefits can range from payment of expensive drugs (no matter what age) to long-term care costs such as skilled nursing care. There are 40-50 Medicaid programs in Texas in addition to strictly federal public benefits programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security...

Ladybird Deeds are often used to protect a homestead from a Medicaid estate recovery claim as it avoids probate and are supposed to permit the grantor (the one who signs the deed) to reserve for the grantor’s life, the full possession, benefit and use of...

Elderly client, whose health is declining, owns a trailer and 11 acres that is treated as his homestead presently valued at around $55,000. He also owns 60 acres of undeveloped property where he would prefer to live which is much more valuable. The only other...

As of January 1, 2020, the equity limit for a homestead applicant (who is single) for either the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program has increased to $595,000. Thus, if the home equity (the difference between the appraised value and any...

TRANSFER ON DEATH DEED VOIDED BY COURT The Fort Worth Court of Appeals has recently set aside a Transfer on Death Deed (an instrument that usually avoids court action for real estate to pass to a beneficiary) since a jury determined the deed was signed as...

Texans who die with modest means may be able to have their property transferred if they have no Will and if certain other requirements are met. One of the main reasons for having a Will or a Trust is to transfer property of the deceased...

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