Probate Administration

It is no secret that people are moving to Texas for numerous reasons ranging from less taxes and affordable housing to Texas being more business friendly. As a result, estate planning documents prepared in other states should be reviewed when moving to Texas – even...

Your homestead is usually the largest asset you might own. Most people would prefer to stay at home as long as possible - even if there is a need for skilled care rather than living in a facility. As a result, often elderly (over age...

Tara, the fictional plantation in “Gone with the Wind”, was more than Scarlett O’Hara’s plantation home. It was a symbol of family and continuity for Scarlett. The homestead is often the most important (in addition to being the most valuable) asset that a deceased person...

Effective September 1, 2023, the “transfer of assets divisor” in Texas for long-term care Medicaid has increased from $237.93 to $242.13 (which represents the average daily cost of long-term care in Texas). The increased figure applies to Medicaid applications in Texas submitted on or after...

As of September 1, 2023, Texas law permits (although not mandatory) a court to approve a convicted felon to serve as an executor of an estate.  Prior to that date, the only way a felon could serve as an executor (the one who: (1) gathers...

Earlier this year, leqembi (a drug that slows memory decline for those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease by targeting the amyloid protein, usually common with those inflicted with Alzheimer’s as it begins to form) was approved by both FDA and CMS (governmental assistance...

Aretha Franklin died in 2018 leaving 2 handwritten wills resulting in an expensive legal battle between her children over which will would prevail.  In July 2023, a Michigan jury decided her most recent handwritten will (written by her in 2014) found in a spiral notebook...

Home, sweet home - the most valuable asset of many. However, if you need financial assistance for long-term care, you have to be careful when making a transfer. Long-term care Medicaid (which helps pay for skilled nursing care that many seek since Medicare has limited coverage...

Earlier this year, the IRS made a revenue ruling whereby assets transferred into an irrevocable trust without certain elements of retained control by the grantor (the one who established the trust) would fail to be entitled to a “step-up” in basis.  If an individual has...

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