Power of Attorney

There are numerous ways real estate can be transferred to avoid probate, but which way is best will depend on the circumstances. The most common choices are either a deed of gift, transfer on death deed or a Ladybird deed (which is an enhanced life...

One of the most common misconceptions is that a Power of Attorney will be recognized by all financial institutions and title companies. Due to concerns about abusive actions of agents and potential liability, financial institutions and title companies often do not recognize financial Powers of...

Many elder law attorneys have pondered whether to use the traditional enhanced life estate deed (also known as a Ladybird Deed) or the new statutory Transfer on Death Deed since both work to avoid estate recovery – the right of the government to make a...

It is common for nursing home admission agreements to indicate that the patient and nursing home are bound by arbitration – which generally results more favorable decisions for the nursing home (as opposed to litigation). Recently, the son of a patient (his mother) seeking entry...

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