Medicaid Planning

President-elect Biden has suggested various changes in tax laws to help achieve his legislative agenda.  Although 2 Senate seats in Georgia have yet to be decided which could make a difference in likelihood of success in achieving the goals of the President-elect, the following are a...

(How to keep more for spouse if ill spouse needs to go into nursing home or needs care at home) As we live longer, there is a greater likelihood of disability and the need for long-term care. However, most Americans have inadequate resources or income for such...

Nobody wants to think (much less talk) about their death or disability or the death or disability of an immediate family member. However, communication reduces risk in achieving your desired goals if unfortunate events should occur. Assumptions often lead to errors or misunderstandings. The following...

While the loss of a loved one may be emotionally devastating, the tasks to accomplish after one dies could be overwhelming. As a result, we have compiled a checklist of some of the important things to consider in a somewhat chronological order as follows: Get a...

Most Texans have inadequate income and resources or lack long-term care insurance to pay for the cost of long-term care (such as nursing home and assisted living care or care at home). As a result, they often use long-term care Medicaid to help pay for...

It is not unusual for family members to fight over personal property items of value (sentimental or financial - such as jewelry, guns, art, tools, furniture, silverware and china, etc.).  After famous comedian Robin Williams died, his Will left his homestead to his wife, but there...

Although you would think the rich and famous would be the last to make estate planning errors, but they make mistakes (from which we can learn) like others. Here are some celebrity estate planning mistakes: No Estate Plan. Famous singers Prince and Aretha Franklin failed to...

Divorces are often draining – financially and emotionally.  As a result, many do not want to incur more costs or even think about different financial arrangements.  However, anytime there is a significant change in your family (death, divorce, disability, births, etc.), your estate plan should be at...

A California judge has recently ruled that conservatorship (which in Texas would be considered guardianship) over Britney Spears and her $59 million estate be extended until 2021.  Spears (who has mental health issues and has been under conservatorship since 2008) cannot be in control of her...

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