Medicaid Application

Effective September 1, 2021, the “transfer of assets divisor” in Texas for long-term care Medicaid has increased from $213.71 to $237.93 (which represents the average daily cost of long-term care in Texas). The increased figure applies to Medicaid applications in Texas submitted on or after...

Do you want to analyze a case like an elder law attorney? Here is a recent case and the thoughts that come to mind. Client, 77, who is single but who has had a partner for decades, is about to receive an inheritance that would result...

Even prior to the pandemic, most prefer to stay at home as long as possible if they should need long-term care. The increase in Covid variants has caused renewed and even greater interest for alternativesto care at long-term care facilities and the desire of many to stay at home due to safety concerns....

It is not unusual for parents and grandparents (as well as others) to want to help plan for payment of school and other expenses of a beneficiary who is a minor. A UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) account is a custodial account usually established...

Sole benefits trusts are an exception to the transfer penalty rules for long-term care (i.e., nursing home, some assisted living facilities, etc.) Medicaid. Since most Americans have inadequate or no long-term care insurance and Medicare generally has very limited coverage for skilled care, many seek...

Usually the most valuable non-countable resource for a long-term care Medicaid recipient (whereby the government helps pay for care costs at a long-term care facility plus medications if the applicant/recipient has less than $2,000 of countable resources) is the homestead. Although there is no equity...

As a result of COVID-19 and the new health problems resulting therefrom, President Biden signed an Executive Order for those either uninsured (around 29 million Americans) or under insured to get health insurance (Obamacare) for those in states served by marketplaces that use the

When someone fails to plan for his or her estate, it means that person is letting the state determine how and to whom assets should pass upon death of that individual. It may or may not be distributed the way the deceased wanted and the...

There are 109 Medicaid programs (at last count) in Texas – each with their own rules. This article concerns the errors or misconceptions common in one of those programs - long-term care Medicaid (where the government helps pay for care in a nursing home). Seven...

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