Lady Bird Deed

Many have the misconception that only the wealthy need or can use trusts for estate planning. In this case, an elderly couple has two children – one of the children has a drug problem and the other is a spendthrift and has creditor issues. The...

The goal of a self-proclaimed “cat lady”, who is on Medicaid, is to make sure her 14 cats are adequately cared for after her death. However, her only assets are her home, car and a small bank account. Her home and car are “non-countable” resources...

Parents own homestead as their major asset. Their health is beginning to decline, and neither of them have long-term care insurance or enough income or assets to pay for long-term care. As a result, if either of them needs long-term care, Medicaid is likely to...

Client, a 78 year old widow in the early stages of experiencing dementia, creates an irrevocable trust which gives her the right to occupy her homestead which was deeded into the trust. Her goal was to save her homestead (or the proceeds therefrom if sold...

Although there are numerous ways to avoid a successful claim for estate recovery by the state government for Medicaid benefits (such as long-term care in a nursing home, assisted living facility or care at home, in addition to drugs) as set forth in a prior...

Although certain assets such as a home, car, mineral rights (subject to limitations) and businesses essential for self-support are “non-countable” when applying for long-term care Medicaid, there are numerous exceptions to avoid a successful claim by the State to be paid back for benefits (such...

As the aging population continues to grow, there is more likelihood of disability and a need for long-term care. However, the majority of elderly Americans fail to have long-term care insurance or have adequate assets to be self-insured. As a result, many elderly people rely...

As of January 1, 2019, the equity limit for a homestead applicant (who is single) for either the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program has increased to $585,000. Thus, if the home equity (the difference between the appraised value and any...

The granddaughter of an elderly California resident was recently sentenced to jail for 17 years for elder abuse after her grandmother was discovered with open wounds and bed sores which resulted in the grandmother’s death due to the granddaughter’s (and daughter’s) neglect. The daughter (who...

An ancestor of client received a Spanish land grant for what is presently client’s homestead with the acreage surrounding it. The property has been passed from generation to generation for almost 200 years (well before Texas became a state). One of client’s ancestors was even...

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