End of Life Care Planning

Although it is unlikely that the proposed estate tax change of either presidential candidate will be enacted as is, there is a stark contrast which should be considered for those interested in estate planning. If Clinton’s estate tax proposals were to become effective, there would be...

The House of Representatives has a proposed bill (HR 1771) that would change long established rules for the use of single premium immediate annuities in planning for the protection of a well-spouse (commonly referred to as the “community spouse”) if his or her spouse needs...

To Stretch or Not? According to a U.S. Census report, around 13 percent of our U.S. population who are not in an institution are disabled. It is anticipated with an aging population that over 50 million Americans are disabled. As a result, many plan for those...

The Veteran’s Administration has proposed new rules for eligibility for VA pensions and the Aid and Attendance benefit which are often used by wartime Veterans or their surviving spouses to help pay for the cost of care such as assisted living facilities and nursing homes....

Governor Perry has just signed a law (to be effective as of September 1, 2013) that allows Medicaid applicants to sell their life insurance policies to life settlement companies and not jeopardize Medicaid benefits provided certain conditions are met. Medicaid is a jointly run state and...

On May 15, 2013, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced changes to its Program Operations Manual System (POMS) to ensure that legitimate expenditures from special or supplemental needs trust are used for the sole benefit of a disabled beneficiary even if it may impart incidental...

The recent Supreme Court decision permitting passage of the Affordable Care Act will result in 3.8% Medicare surtax beginning in January 2013 and will apply to all taxpayers whose income exceeds a threshold amount which effectively raises the marginal tax rate for some. The tax...

With fewer insurance companies offering long term care insurance (at least 14 fewer in the last 5 years) and premiums rising (for new and some existing policies) fewer may be able to afford long term care insurance (insurance that can help cover personal care costs...

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