
Beneficiary designations (where you name one or more beneficiaries to receive assets of yours upon your death) are sometimes a great and simple tool in estate planning, but sometimes, they could lead to a disastrous result. Beneficiary designations supersede your will.  Thus, there could be...

Homestead Resource Exclusion Differences Between Medicaid and Veteran’s Benefits Public benefits (such as long-term care Medicaid and non-service-connected disability benefits for wartime veterans or his or her surviving spouse) are “means-tested”.  In other words, the government looks at your resources when you apply to determine if you...

Although planning for disability and death should always be considered in estate planning, the potential need for public benefits or loss of valuable public benefits (such as Medicaid or Veterans’ benefits) should not be overlooked. The following are a few examples of what planning options...

It is not unusual for those with inadequate assets or income to seek public benefits to help pay for care. Attached is a PowerPoint presentation describing the eligibility requirements for a non-service connected disability of a wartime Veteran or his or her spouse vs. eligibility...

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has announced in December its 2023 rate increases for certain non-serviced connected disability wartime military veterans, not dishonorably discharged or the surviving spouse of the veteran to help pay for care costs ranging from being housebound to long-term care...

There are a variety of public benefits programs ranging from taking care of drug costs to long-term care costs to assistance for food and shelter. Although some public benefits programs such as Social Security Disability and Medicare are not “means-tested”, eligibility for most public benefits...

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has announced in December its 2022 rate increases for certain non-service-connected disability wartime military veterans, not dishonorably discharged or their surviving spouse to help pay for care costs ranging from being housebound to long-term care costs. However, since these...

Even prior to the pandemic, most prefer to stay at home as long as possible if they should need long-term care. The increase in Covid variants has caused renewed and even greater interest for alternativesto care at long-term care facilities and the desire of many to stay at home due to safety concerns....

As year 2020 comes to an end, it is a good year to make gifts for some due to the CARES Act and potential future law changes – unless there is a possibility of applying for certain public benefits within an applicable “lookback period”. Due to...

While the loss of a loved one may be emotionally devastating, the tasks to accomplish after one dies could be overwhelming. As a result, we have compiled a checklist of some of the important things to consider in a somewhat chronological order as follows: Get a...

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