Public Benefits Protection

Identity theft is real. The brazen attempt of foreign fraudsters to foreclose on Graceland, the former home of the late iconic singer, Elvis Presley, illustrates the need to be vigilant in the protection of your assets – and so should the representatives of your estate...

Researchers have found that people with 2 copies of the APOE4 gene is more than a risk factor – it is now considered an underlying cause of Alzheimer’s Disease. Prior to the research’s finding published in May, scientists knew the gene APOE4 increased risk. Although...

As an incentive for Texans to get long-term care insurance (so the state through Medicaid would not have to pay as much for long-term care), Texas has a Long-Term Care Partnership Program (LTCP) which is a public-private partnership between state agencies (Texas Department of Health...

Adult child of a nursing home resident seeks planning to obtain governmental assistance for costly care.  The facility advises the adult child, “Don’t worry, we pay a company that you have to use, that will plan for you and apply for your mom – you...

Although O.J. Simpson was acquitted in what may have been the murder trial of the century in connection with the death of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, a California civil jury determined he was liable for $33.5 million dollars (which...

Although planning for disability and death should always be considered in estate planning, the potential need for public benefits or loss of valuable public benefits (such as Medicaid or Veterans’ benefits) should not be overlooked. The following are a few examples of what planning options...

U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky of Illinois has proposed a bill that would end Medicaid estate recovery (Medicaid estate recovery is the process to recoup care costs such as nursing home care, care at home, medications, etc.) from the estate of the deceased Medicaid recipient. Typically,...

Irrevocable trusts (including trusts created within a will as well as irrevocable trusts created within a revocable living trust) give guidelines to a trustee as to how distributions are to be made in accordance with your desires.  Some prefer mandatory distributions (i.e., trustee must give...

Jay Leno has filed a petition in a California court to seek conservatorship over his wife, Mavis, who is believed to have Alzheimer’s Disease or some other form of dementia.  Leno is seeking conservatorship since Mavis no longer has sufficient mental capacity to do an...

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