Medicaid Application

As of January 1, 2020, the equity limit for a homestead applicant (who is single) for either the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program has increased to $595,000. Thus, if the home equity (the difference between the appraised value and any...

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), which governs the rules regarding long-term care Medicaid eligibility (Medicaid helps pay for some or all nursing home and medication costs, etc. – the present average monthly cost in Texas  for skilled nursing care is around...

As we live longer, there is a greater likelihood of disability and the need for long-term care. However, most Americans have inadequate resources or income for such care and also lack long-term care insurance or similar insurance products. As a result, some elderly and disabled...

Under our criminal justice system, guilt must be determined “beyond a reasonable doubt” as there is a presumption of innocence. However, if a senior makes a gift within five (5) years and applies for long-term care Medicaid, there is a presumption of guilt since Medicaid...

Long-term care Medicaid helps pay for long-term care costs if certain eligibility requirements such as medical necessity, Medicaid bed availability, “countable” resources being below a $2,000 limit, restrictions on most uncompensated transfers if made within five years of application, etc., are met. In this case the...

Parents own homestead as their major asset. Their health is beginning to decline, and neither of them have long-term care insurance or enough income or assets to pay for long-term care. As a result, if either of them needs long-term care, Medicaid is likely to...

On May 24, 2019, a Texas appeals court ruled that if an incapacitated Medicaid applicant does not have a guardian appointed, then the resources of the applicant should be considered unavailable for Medicaid eligibility purposes. Usually, the cost of long-term care (such as a nursing...

Under federal long-term care Medicaid laws, there is a presumption of “guilt” if there is an uncompensated transfer within five (5) years of an application for long-term Medicaid (which helps pay for institutional care, drugs, etc.) since long-term care is “means-tested” In other words, the...

Although the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration has monitored social media such as Twitter and Facebook since 2014 to determine if there is fraud by those who receive public disability benefits such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI),...

Dad, a nursing home resident in a facility that accepts Medicaid, owns highly appreciated out of state real estate that has been in the family for decades and approximately $100,000 of cash. The goals are to protect the real estate, have governmental assistance in paying...

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