
Whether a will is drafted by an attorney or not, there are often mistakes that should be avoided including, but not limited to, the following: Choosing a beneficiary as a witness -This could result in disinheritance of that witness under Texas law. Self-proving affidavit not in substantial...

Client created a basic estate plan including a will, financial power of attorney, medical power of attorney, directive to physicians a/k/a living will, HIPPA authorization and declaration of guardian in the event of later incompetence.  The client gave extra powers to the agent in the...

Although there are dozens of new laws in Texas, the following (in no particular order) are just some that affect estate planning, probate, guardianship and the elderly. Homesteads Held in Revocable Trusts Need Specific Language to Have Homestead Property Tax Exemption and Homestead Exemption for Creditor...

Aretha Franklin died in 2018 leaving 2 handwritten wills resulting in an expensive legal battle between her children over which will would prevail.  In July 2023, a Michigan jury decided her most recent handwritten will (written by her in 2014) found in a spiral notebook...

The Oscar-nominated film “The Blind Side” will never be seen in the same light after the recent petition by Michael Oher to terminate the rights of Sean and Leigh Anne Touhy to act as the conservator for the 37-year-old former football star who played in...

Is your head ready to explode with the myriad of legal issues that can spring from your estate planning problems? The case below illustrates the problems and solutions to eliminating the pain and meet the goals of a client. FACTS: 54-year-old disabled, divorced man (“Recipient”) needs...

Many think if they have a statutory durable financial power of attorney in Texas that the agent can do anything he or she desires since the document gives broad powers. However, there are some additional powers beyond those listed in the statutory form that create...

Texas estate planning attorneys often disagree about what is the best option in estate planning. Sometimes it is best to have a will to transfer your assets and pay your debts after death. Sometimes it is best to have an irrevocable trust for numerous reasons....

If you have an illness that is likely to limit your life due to the illness being serious and chronic (such as heart failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, cancer, dementia and Parkinson’s Disease), would you like to improve your quality of life by having: (1)...

The process for court approval (probate) of an original will is generally not difficult in Texas presuming the will was properly drafted and that there was no contest to its validity. However, if the original of the signed will cannot be located, it is more problematic...

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