Disability Benefits

There is much debate among Texas attorneys as to whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust to transfer assets at death under the terms and conditions you desire. The simple answer is that it depends on...

(How to keep more for spouse if ill spouse needs to go into nursing home or needs care at home) As we live longer, there is a greater likelihood of disability and the need for long-term care. However, most Americans have inadequate resources or income for...

There are numerous ways real estate can be transferred to avoid probate (which is also a way to avoid a successful Medicaid estate recovery claim in Texas), but which way is best will depend on the circumstances. The most common choices are either a transfer...

Do you want to analyze a case like an elder law attorney? Here is a recent case and the thoughts that come to mind. Client, 77, who is single but who has had a partner for decades, is about to receive an inheritance that would result...

Even prior to the pandemic, most prefer to stay at home as long as possible if they should need long-term care. The increase in Covid variants has caused renewed and even greater interest for alternativesto care at long-term care facilities and the desire of many to stay at home due to safety concerns....

Sole benefits trusts are an exception to the transfer penalty rules for long-term care (i.e., nursing home, some assisted living facilities, etc.) Medicaid. Since most Americans have inadequate or no long-term care insurance and Medicare generally has very limited coverage for skilled care, many seek...

A Pennsylvania appeals court has recently upheld a lower court ruling giving the agent the authority to act under a boilerplate power of attorney form even though the terms of the document were not followed. However, the cheap form and the failure of the agent...

A durable financial power of attorney (“POA”) is generally an essential part of any estate plan. In fact, it may be the most important document since it is often the most powerful as it often gives the agent the authority to deal with all of...

This article is not intended to be critical, but it is merely to be an illustration of the perils that could occur when one does their own legal documents. The facts are as follows: Husband and wife own a homestead together during marriage, but they...

When someone fails to plan for his or her estate, it means that person is letting the state determine how and to whom assets should pass upon death of that individual. It may or may not be distributed the way the deceased wanted and the...

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