529 plan

Mom has dementia that has resulted in the need for skilled care. Although mom owns a homestead, she now lives with daughter due to the dementia. Mom has no long-term care insurance. Mom’s only assets are the home (which she purchased for $200,000 – although...

Avoiding capital gains tax is often considered in estate planning. Now some are considering “upstream planning” when a child has highly appreciated assets and his or her elderly parent does not have a taxable estate (for estate tax purposes). Generally, if you own an asset (i.e.,...

Although planning for disability and death should always be considered in estate planning, the potential need for public benefits or loss of valuable public benefits (such as Medicaid or Veterans’ benefits) should not be overlooked. The following are a few examples of what planning options...

It is very common for a minor to be named as a beneficiary of a will or trust. However, since a minor is presumed to lack capacity under law until reaching the age of majority, different planning options should be considered. Even when a child...

Since long-term care Medicaid (which helps pay for skilled nursing care and medications) is “means-tested” (assets of the applicant are reviewed to determine if there is eligibility for the government to pay), there is a 5-year “look-back” period as there is a presumption resources were...

It is not unusual that grandparents want to help pay for a grandchild’s wedding, college or private school education, camp, car or other items which they feel may help a grandchild. However, the following matters should be considered before a grandparent makes a gift to...

It is not unusual for parents and grandparents (as well as others) to want to help plan for payment of school and other expenses of a beneficiary who is a minor. A UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) account is a custodial account usually established...

Usually the most valuable non-countable resource for a long-term care Medicaid recipient (whereby the government helps pay for care costs at a long-term care facility plus medications if the applicant/recipient has less than $2,000 of countable resources) is the homestead. Although there is no equity...

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