Special needs trusts are often established for the benefit of individuals who are disabled since the assets held in the trust are not countable (if properly drafted) for means-tested Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income programs (which often include drugs and care costs).  The goal is...

Revocable living trusts are useful in estate planning for many different reasons (avoidance of probate, privacy, quick transition of an on-going business, etc.) but there are only limited situations when they are helpful in planning for long-term care Medicaid which helps pay for nursing home...

There are a variety of public benefits programs ranging from taking care of drug costs to long-term care costs to assistance for food and shelter. Although some public benefits programs such as Social Security Disability and Medicare are not “means-tested”, eligibility for most public benefits...

It is very common for a family member to be named to serve as a trustee of a special needs trust of a loved one with special needs (usually to save money), but the recent felony charges for financial exploitation against a Minnesota mother who...

The federal law called the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act gives some people with disabilities or their families to establish a tax-free savings account that will not count as a resource for Medicaid eligibility (which is “means-tested”). For an adult disabled person who...

Under current law, a special needs trust containing the assets of a disabled individual under 65 years of age (the assets in the trust are excluded from being countable as a resource for “means-tested” programs such as Medicaid) must be created by a parent, grandparent,...

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