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Estate Planning Decision Tree Chart for Will vs. Revocable Living Trust – 20 Issues One of the most common dilemmas in estate planning is whether it is better to have a Will or a Revocable Living Trust (RLT). There are numerous types of trusts, but this...

Although there are dozens of new laws in Texas, the following (in no particular order) are just some that affect estate planning, probate, guardianship and the elderly. Homesteads Held in Revocable Trusts Need Specific Language to Have Homestead Property Tax Exemption and Homestead Exemption for Creditor...

Aretha Franklin died in 2018 leaving 2 handwritten wills resulting in an expensive legal battle between her children over which will would prevail.  In July 2023, a Michigan jury decided her most recent handwritten will (written by her in 2014) found in a spiral notebook...

Although it is normally not recommended that a 96-year-old buy any type of annuity, the facts below illustrate how a 96-year-old was willing to bet his money on a plan that included the purchase of a Medicaid-compliant annuity that saved him $6000 a month for...

It is not unusual that the major asset upon death is a person’s home. Whether or not the deceased had a will, it is often desired that probate be avoided. If the deceased dies without a will, the process of determining who are the heirs...

Many do not know about probate. There is much confusion as the process varies from state to state. The following explains 8 myths about probate. Myth No. 1: If you have a will, the court must always approve the will through probate. Wills do not always have...