
Although there are dozens of new laws in Texas, the following (in no particular order) are just some that affect estate planning, probate, guardianship and the elderly. Homesteads Held in Revocable Trusts Need Specific Language to Have Homestead Property Tax Exemption and Homestead Exemption for Creditor...

It is no secret that people are moving to Texas for numerous reasons ranging from less taxes and affordable housing to Texas being more business friendly. As a result, estate planning documents prepared in other states should be reviewed when moving to Texas – even...

Earlier this year, the IRS made a revenue ruling whereby assets transferred into an irrevocable trust without certain elements of retained control by the grantor (the one who established the trust) would fail to be entitled to a “step-up” in basis.  If an individual has...

The opioid crisis is real. Fentanyl is in the news seemingly on a daily basis. Drug and alcohol addiction of a family member or relative is an issue often discussed in estate planning. A beneficiary with an addiction who receives assets outright will often simply...

It is common to create various trusts in estate planning. Some trusts are created pursuant to the terms of a will (called a testamentary trust), and some trusts are created by a separate document. There can even be trusts within a trust. The one responsible...

Many think if they have a statutory durable financial power of attorney in Texas that the agent can do anything he or she desires since the document gives broad powers. However, there are some additional powers beyond those listed in the statutory form that create...

Texas estate planning attorneys often disagree about what is the best option in estate planning. Sometimes it is best to have a will to transfer your assets and pay your debts after death. Sometimes it is best to have an irrevocable trust for numerous reasons....

Benjamin Franklin is famously quoted as saying “nothing is certain except death and taxes”.  However, who pays the taxes and how much is often a matter of political debate.  At the time of the writing of this article, our Texas House of Representatives and Senate...

There are numerous ways to transfer real estate upon death depending on the facts and the type of planning – if any. The following are 12 of the ways property is transferred at death: Executor’s Deed. When the deceased has a will that has been admitted to...

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