Special Needs Trust

When someone fails to plan for his or her estate, it means that person is letting the state determine how and to whom assets should pass upon death of that individual. It may or may not be distributed the way the deceased wanted and the...

There are 109 Medicaid programs (at last count) in Texas – each with their own rules. This article concerns the errors or misconceptions common in one of those programs - long-term care Medicaid (where the government helps pay for care in a nursing home). Seven...

The IRS has issued final regulations for Able accounts, a tax-advantaged savings account for those determined to be disabled before age 26, pursuant to the Achieving a Better Life Experience (Able) Act that was passed six years ago. Funds deposited into Able accounts do not risk...

While the loss of a loved one may be emotionally devastating, the tasks to accomplish after one dies could be overwhelming. As a result, we have compiled a checklist of some of the important things to consider in a somewhat chronological order as follows: Get a...

Divorces are often draining – financially and emotionally.  As a result, many do not want to incur more costs or even think about different financial arrangements.  However, anytime there is a significant change in your family (death, divorce, disability, births, etc.), your estate plan should be at...

Husband and wife (“clients”) have 2 adult children.  Once child is disabled and the other is a spendthrift (money is spent as soon as it is received).  The disabled child is on Medicaid and lives in a facility where the drug costs and the great majority of...

Guardianship if often an expensive legal process which should be avoided if possible.  Thus, planning should be considered as an alternative to guardianship.  Guardianship is often needed for an incapacitated person.  Texas law defines an “incapacitated person” as: a minoran adult, who because of a physical or mental condition,...

Ladybird Deeds and Transfer on Death Deeds are used to avoid probate (which is the legal process whereby the court determines if a will is valid and assets are distributed according to the will).  These types of deeds are particularly useful to avoid Medicaid Estate Recovery.  If...

Public benefits can range from payment of expensive drugs (no matter what age) to long-term care costs such as skilled nursing care. There are 40-50 Medicaid programs in Texas in addition to strictly federal public benefits programs such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security...

Although the SECURE Act passage last month (which became effective January 1, 2020) covered 29 new provisions, the one provision likely to cause the most impact is the removal of “stretch” inherited IRA provisions to 10 years unless the beneficiary is an eligible designated beneficiary....

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