Power of Attorney

Guardianship is often needed for an incapacitated person, but it is an expensive legal process which should be avoided if possible. Thus, planning should be considered as an alternative to guardianship. Texas law defines an “incapacitated person” as: 1) a minor; 2) an adult, who...

There is much debate among Texas attorneys as to whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust in estate planning. The simple answer is that it depends on the facts, your goals, the type of assets, cost...

Although most realize you should know what you are doing for it to be valid under law, many are unaware that capacity needed for making a gift, signing a contract and signing a will are different. The mental capacity needed for signing a valid will...

It is not unusual for married couples to have a will or trust, joint accounts and/or beneficiary designations whereby the spouse is a beneficiary and/or is a fiduciary (i.e., executor, trustee, agent under power of attorney, etc.). However, if the couple divorces, the fiduciary relationship...

Although simple wills are sometimes adequate, planning for the worst-case scenario is the general perspective of the estate planning attorney. You don’t have to be wealthy to need estate planning. The following are facts of a case and solutions from the perspective of the estate...

A medical power of attorney should be part of even the most basic estate planning documents that every adult (assuming mental capacity) should have. This is a document whereby you chose whom you want to act as your agent and any alternate if you lack...

Transfer on Death Deeds (TODDs) are a simple tool to pass real estate after your death to avoid probate or an heirship determination. You can change your mind and cancel the deed. You can even name contingent beneficiaries. TODDs have no adverse tax consequences, do...

Although the recent ruling by the Supreme Court of the US (“SCOTUS”) that there was no constitutional right to an abortion (and the case only dealt with abortion), Justice Clarence Thomas indicated in his decision that the constitutionality of same-sex marriage should also be reconsidered...

What could go wrong when using a general durable power of attorney for an agent to sign a deed (in this case, a Ladybird deed) on behalf of the principal (the one who signed the power of attorney)? Are there additional powers that should be...

A child often relies on his or her parents until adulthood is reached. So, does the child have a duty to support his or her parents if they are no longer able to provide for themselves? The answer may depend on where the child and...

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