
Do you think that if you are married that your spouse automatically is entitled to all of your assets?  Do you think that if you disinherit your spouse or perhaps your children in your Will that they automatically will not be entitled to any rights to your...

As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc with many experiencing the loss of a loved one, unemployment or reduced income and higher levels of debt, many are now asking which of their debts will continue after death and which will be forgiven and the resulting...

Nobody wants to think (much less talk) about their death or disability or the death or disability of an immediate family member. However, communication reduces risk in achieving your desired goals if unfortunate events should occur. Assumptions often lead to errors or misunderstandings. The following...

While the loss of a loved one may be emotionally devastating, the tasks to accomplish after one dies could be overwhelming. As a result, we have compiled a checklist of some of the important things to consider in a somewhat chronological order as follows: Get a...

A recent decision of a San Antonio appellate court determined that faulty drafting of an annuity contract by the insurance company who issued the annuity resulted in a beneficiary being paid far more than the contracted terms. The annuity contract provided for payments during the joint...

Ladybird Deeds and Transfer on Death Deeds are used to avoid probate (which is the legal process whereby the court determines if a will is valid and assets are distributed according to the will).  These types of deeds are particularly useful to avoid Medicaid Estate Recovery.  If...

Wife needs long-term care which is very expensive (statewide average is around $6,500 per month). Medicare has very limited coverage and has been utilized to the limits resulting in husband having to private pay with his limited resources which he needs to use to take...

Although we are all affected by the pandemic, the following are just some of the key provisions that impact seniors: Rebates. All U.S. residents with adjusted gross annual income of up to $75,000 ($150,000 if married) who are not a dependent and have a work eligible...

As Americans continue to live longer, many have decided to cohabitate with a significant other (rather than marry) due to complications. These can include kids from a prior marriage or relationship or wealth accumulation by one or both parties. From a financial perspective, sometimes it...

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