Lady Bird Deed

There are numerous ways to transfer real estate upon death depending on the facts and the type of planning – if any. The following are 12 of the ways property is transferred at death: Executor’s Deed. When the deceased has a will that has been admitted to...

As of January 1, 2023, the homestead equity limit for a Medicaid applicant who is not married and who either applies for the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program will increase to $688,000 ($636,000 in year 2022). Thus, if the home...

Since long-term care Medicaid (which helps pay for skilled nursing care and medications) is “means-tested” (assets of the applicant are reviewed to determine if there is eligibility for the government to pay), there is a five year “look-back” period as there is a presumption resources...

There are at least 11 types of deeds in Texas used in the transfer of real estate. Since deeds should be recorded in the deed records in the county where the property is located to give notice to the world, deeds should be notarized. The...

Transfer on Death Deeds (TODDs) are a simple tool to pass real estate after your death to avoid probate or an heirship determination. You can change your mind and cancel the deed. You can even name contingent beneficiaries. TODDs have no adverse tax consequences, do...

Originally long-term care Medicaid (which often helps pay for care at nursing homes, some assisted living facilities and care at home) was for the indigent. As we are reaching the silver tsunami, the long-term care Medicaid rules for eligibility become more important since most Americans...

What could go wrong when using a general durable power of attorney for an agent to sign a deed (in this case, a Ladybird deed) on behalf of the principal (the one who signed the power of attorney)? Are there additional powers that should be...

Revocable living trusts are useful in estate planning for many different reasons (avoidance of probate, privacy, quick transition of an on-going business, etc.) but there are only limited situations when they are helpful in planning for long-term care Medicaid which helps pay for nursing home...

Whenever you borrow from a bank or other lender to purchase residential real estate or borrow against the equity, it is typical that there is a “due-on-sale” clause in your deed of trust or mortgage. This gives the lender the ability to require full payment...

There are a variety of public benefits programs ranging from taking care of drug costs to long-term care costs to assistance for food and shelter. Although some public benefits programs such as Social Security Disability and Medicare are not “means-tested”, eligibility for most public benefits...

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