End of Life Care Planning

A common question by someone who has been appointed as an executor of a Will after the Will has been probated (the process where it is determined the decedent’s Will is valid) is “What can I charge for acting as Executor?” After all, it often...

Do you want to analyze a case like an elder law attorney? Here is a recent case and the thoughts that come to mind. Client, 77, who is single but who has had a partner for decades, is about to receive an inheritance that would result...

Although conditional bequests in a will or trust are normally upheld to give freedom that your assets pass the way you want at your death, sometimes conditional provisions are held to be either unconstitutional or void against public policy. The request for a new trial of a death row...

SON OF AUSTIN POWERS CO-STAR SHAGGED BY COURTA California Appellate Court has reversed the Los Angeles Superior Court decision over the meaning of the term “grandchild” costing Damian Hurley, son of famed British actress Elizabeth Hurley and Steve Bing (although born out of wedlock), the sum of approximately $250 Million. The...

It is not unusual for parents and grandparents (as well as others) to want to help plan for payment of school and other expenses of a beneficiary who is a minor. A UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) account is a custodial account usually established...

The continuing 13-year-old conservatorship saga of Britney Spears to free her of having her father run her personal and professional life has put financial and civil rights abuse in guardianship and conservatorship (California conservatorship is similar to guardianship in Texas) in the national spotlight. After...

It was recently reported in the Dallas Morning News that Tyler Pride (“Tyler”)”, who is the biological son of famed country-western singer Charley Pride (“Charley”), has contested the Last Will and Testament of his father. Tyler was not born of Charley’s long-time marriage to Rozene...

Sole benefits trusts are an exception to the transfer penalty rules for long-term care (i.e., nursing home, some assisted living facilities, etc.) Medicaid. Since most Americans have inadequate or no long-term care insurance and Medicare generally has very limited coverage for skilled care, many seek...

A Pennsylvania appeals court has recently upheld a lower court ruling giving the agent the authority to act under a boilerplate power of attorney form even though the terms of the document were not followed. However, the cheap form and the failure of the agent...

IRS publication 590-B issued recently has surprised almost everyone with its erroneous proposal that designated beneficiaries (“DBs”) will need to take required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) of inherited individual retirement accounts (IRAs) in years one through nine following the year of death of the IRA owner....

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