End of Life Care Planning

There are a variety of public benefits programs ranging from taking care of drug costs to long-term care costs to assistance for food and shelter. Although some public benefits programs such as Social Security Disability and Medicare are not “means-tested”, eligibility for most public benefits...

Revocable Living Trusts (RLTs) are commonly used for a variety of reasons ranging from avoiding probate to avoiding guardianship by retitling assets into the name of the trust if you should become disabled. However, not all assets can or should be transferred or even mentioned...

As of January 1, 2022, the homestead equity limit for a Medicaid applicant who is not married and who either applies for the nursing home Medicaid program or “waiver” home care Medicaid program will increase to $636,000 (presently $603,000). Thus, if the home equity (the...

Although many are familiar with existing IRS rules which permit a donor to give away $15,000 per year, per person (donee) without reporting the gift to the IRS (if you give more than $15,000 per year, then there is a duty of the donor to...

There is much debate among Texas attorneys as to whether it is better to have a Last Will and Testament or a Revocable Living Trust to transfer assets at death under the terms and conditions you desire. The simple answer is that it depends on...

Although this is a factual situation where assets are preserved even without proper planning, it is best to plan so the risk is reduced. FACTS: 34-year-old single mother (“Susan”) gets hit by a car while walking in the street. Susan’s injury is so severe that she...

Although many are aware of advance directives, there is often confusion as to the difference in various estate planning documents used either at the end of life or in connection with medical decisions. The following is a brief description of this variety of documents and usage: 1.  Living...

Texas law does not provide domestic partners or significant others the same home protection rights as a surviving spouse. If you are married, your surviving spouse has a right to live in the homestead of the deceased spouse for the remainder of the surviving spouse’s...

Financial powers of attorney may be the most (if not one of the most) important documents that almost everyone should have as illustrated by the following sad (but true) story: Husband dies (with a Will) and leaves everything (although the estate is not large) to wife....

There are numerous ways real estate can be transferred to avoid probate (which is also a way to avoid a successful Medicaid estate recovery claim in Texas), but which way is best will depend on the circumstances. The most common choices are either a transfer...

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