Disability Benefits

No one likes to think about death or disability, but here are a few tips to make things easier for your heirs, beneficiaries, or those you trust. 1. Keep your estate planning documents in a safe place It is generally more difficult to probate a copy of...

As we live longer, there is a greater likelihood of disability and the need for long-term care. However, most Americans have inadequate resources or income for such care and also lack long-term care insurance or similar insurance products. As a result, some elderly and disabled...

Similar to tax planning, where the client often wants to pay as little taxes as possible and plan accordingly, many want to preserve as many resources as possible while obtaining Medicaid assistance so that the government will help pay for the cost of care in...

Beneficiary designations (where you name one or more beneficiaries to receive assets of yours upon your death) are sometimes a great and simple tool in estate planning, but sometimes, they could lead to a disastrous result. Beneficiary designations supersede your will.  Thus, there could be...

The cost of long-term care is great (the average is around $7,500/month in Texas).  As a result, many apply for long-term care Medicaid for governmental assistance to help pay for the facility and drugs.  It is not unusual for us to receive calls after either...

A common misconception is that there is one type of power that covers everything from financial to medical decisions.  Even many who realize there should be different documents for medical and financial decisions, they are unaware of the variety of financial powers of attorney.  The...

Homestead Resource Exclusion Differences Between Medicaid and Veteran’s Benefits Public benefits (such as long-term care Medicaid and non-service-connected disability benefits for wartime veterans or his or her surviving spouse) are “means-tested”.  In other words, the government looks at your resources when you apply to determine if you...

The recent Lifetime Network documentary series on the famed daytime television talk show host, Wendy Williams, has again put the spotlight on guardianship. A couple of years ago, Britney Spears conservatorship was in the limelight until she was “freed”. The cases are clearly different as...

Although planning for disability and death should always be considered in estate planning, the potential need for public benefits or loss of valuable public benefits (such as Medicaid or Veterans’ benefits) should not be overlooked. The following are a few examples of what planning options...

U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky of Illinois has proposed a bill that would end Medicaid estate recovery (Medicaid estate recovery is the process to recoup care costs such as nursing home care, care at home, medications, etc.) from the estate of the deceased Medicaid recipient. Typically,...

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