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Author: Michael B. Cohen

Financial powers of attorney may be the most (if not one of the most) important documents that almost everyone should have as illustrated by the following sad (but true) story: Husband dies (with a Will) and leaves everything (although the estate is not large) to wife....

There are numerous ways real estate can be transferred to avoid probate (which is also a way to avoid a successful Medicaid estate recovery claim in Texas), but which way is best will depend on the circumstances. The most common choices are either a transfer...

A common question by someone who has been appointed as an executor of a Will after the Will has been probated (the process where it is determined the decedent’s Will is valid) is “What can I charge for acting as Executor?” After all, it often...

Do you want to analyze a case like an elder law attorney? Here is a recent case and the thoughts that come to mind. Client, 77, who is single but who has had a partner for decades, is about to receive an inheritance that would result...

Although conditional bequests in a will or trust are normally upheld to give freedom that your assets pass the way you want at your death, sometimes conditional provisions are held to be either unconstitutional or void against public policy. The request for a new trial of a death row...

Even prior to the pandemic, most prefer to stay at home as long as possible if they should need long-term care. The increase in Covid variants has caused renewed and even greater interest for alternativesto care at long-term care facilities and the desire of many to stay at home due to safety concerns....

SON OF AUSTIN POWERS CO-STAR SHAGGED BY COURTA California Appellate Court has reversed the Los Angeles Superior Court decision over the meaning of the term “grandchild” costing Damian Hurley, son of famed British actress Elizabeth Hurley and Steve Bing (although born out of wedlock), the sum of approximately $250 Million. The...

It is very common for a family member to be named to serve as a trustee of a special needs trust of a loved one with special needs (usually to save money), but the recent felony charges for financial exploitation against a Minnesota mother who...

It is not unusual for parents and grandparents (as well as others) to want to help plan for payment of school and other expenses of a beneficiary who is a minor. A UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) account is a custodial account usually established...