Unlike the past, you can be anywhere to participate in this year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s. COVID-19 may have changed how we walk (in the past, it was mass gatherings at different locations throughout the world), but it hasn’t changed the need to walk to raise funds to help find a cure and prevention (not to mention support for families and other caregivers) for Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia-related diseases.

The Alzheimer’s Association has been innovative through the use of technology to make this year’s Walk unlike no other due to the Corona Virus. Participants will be able to enjoy the opening ceremonies virtually (live stream) and have a mobile app that will give you the same type of experience as being there live. You will be able to track your distance as well as teammates even though they may not be with you (although they will be virtually), and you may also receive messages of support on your route. It is anticipated that small groups will be walking everywhere and anywhere (neighborhoods, parks, tracks, sidewalks, or trails) at the same time. You can be walking in Dallas and a teammate could be walking in Oshkosh (by gosh) at the same time. There is even an audio track to encourage participants as they walk.
We hope you will join our walk team, Michael’s Marchers (whether or not you contribute) by clicking here. The exciting new event will be held on the morning of October 3rd. We hope you will help us make a difference. COVID-19 has not only shortened the lives of many, but it has left those with dementia-related diseases often isolated and devoid of needed social interaction. Let’s make a difference – one step at a time.